Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thanksgiving, Christmas Holidays Here Again

Let's make the most of these holidays once again as entrepreneurs. Right now, is an important time to put your business on the fast track for the holidays. Think about how and what to sell for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Do you make holiday baskets? Do you have a product to sell on eBay for Christmas? Do you have favorite sites to visit for ideas, supplies or inspiration for holiday sales? I had a food business. This was the time of year for holiday food baskets, Christmas cookies, and anything that brought Christmas and holiday spirit. As entrepreneurs we can do it better than any big corporations, WalMarts or department stores. Let's make it happen.

To start with for Christmas ideas, here's a link to an old, old family friend's brand new website:

And visit me at AboutMe on eBay -- I'm going to sell hand-colored prints for Christmas:

Friday, December 5, 2008

Unique Christmas Ideas for a Small Business Startup

Good Morning, Everyone,

Here are some unique Christmas ideas for a small business that wants to sell goods. This is the season when entrepreneurs can hustle and turnaround products that people want for Christmas.

Here's an idea that would work for extra Christmas cash: Clean up your car including your trunk. Get some special magnet signs made that say something like "Christmas Store" or "Great Gift Ideas for Christmas" with your phone number noted to put on either side of your car. Now as you drive around, you are advertising your business.

Find a nice sheet or cloth and line the inside of your trunk.

Now the fun part. Look for all kinds of Christmas sales around town. Look for Christmas wreathes you can decorate up, nutcrackers, baskets, ornaments, Christmas cards, stockings and whatever else you can think of -- Christmas wrapping paper. Find all of these things on sale. If you live near a nice area--where the weather is still halfway warm--find nice items for Christmas gifts at yard sales that you can clean up/fix up and sell.

Fix up all these items attractively. Put them in your car and in your trunk so that people can see them.

Now go to a local area close by your home that has small businesses--a cottage industry type area. This is the tricky part, but I guarantee you it works, because I have done it with success. Go into these businesses, ask for the manager or whoever is in charge, and tell them about your great Christmas ideas and mobile store. Ask if you can come by a couple times a week between now and Christmas so that the people at this business can take a look and buy whatever they like. Explain how this will help all of them because they can do their shopping right there at work.

If they say OK. Be sure to keep your word, and go out to these businesses a couple of times a week between now and the 25th with your great Christmas ideas and products. Time is short, you want to get started.

You may have concern about what happens if you buy all these products and they don't sell. The trick here is to physically go into these business establishments and talk to the managers and employees. You need to be outgoing and take this step. Another option, of course, is to find a list of Christmas bizarres and craft shows around your town during the holidays--and bring your Christmas goods to sell. There will be a fee attached to your table and spot, however.

If you hustle you can sell your goods and great gift ideas for Christmas. I know because I've done it. If you don't sell everything, you can store them away and sell them next year. You got everything on sell after all.

Good luck. Good service and products are rewarded with good business contacts. Hold fast to your contacts--and do the same thing for Valentines Day and Easter.

Happy Holidays,

P.S. I want to share more great Christmas ideas here. Take a look at this step-by-step program that shows you how to build a wind-generated solar-panel energy system to generate your own electricity and help the environment. This is an incredible program and idea whose time has come. Click here and find out how for under $200 you can harness wind energy with solar panels and save on electricity bills. Consider this for one of your cool gifts for Dad.